2020-1 Class Schedule

The 2020-1 UB Class Schedule

Classes commence on Monday, August 17, 2020.

Please view and download the 2020-1 UB Class Schedule:

UB’s Registration Commenced Today for Classes to Begin on 17th August, 2020


August 10, 2020

For Immediate Release

UB’s Registration Commenced Today for Classes to Begin on 17th August, 2020

The University of Belize takes this opportunity to prevent any confusion in the minds of its students, and the wider university community, that may be caused by unfortunate comments with respect to a delay in the normal opening of classes of the University this semester.   Such comments are particularly harmful to students and their sponsors as well as the University at a time when the University is facing a financial crisis.  

The University wishes to remind all its stakeholders that the original timeline for the opening of the semester remains unchanged and the Academic Calendar of the University is approved by the Board of Trustees.  The schedule for the opening of classes continues to roll out as has been planned and shared with the public and students since the middle of the summer.  Last week, new students entering the University experienced the first ever virtual university orientation.  They also met their academic advisors and received academic advising in preparation for registration.  Registration for classes started this morning (2,020 students registered at this time) and continues until Friday of this week, during which time all new and returning students are expected to select their courses and pay the appropriate tuition and fees.  Next week Monday, the 17 of August, classes will commence online as has been announced, except for some laboratory courses that require face to face engagement, for which students will be so informed by their respective Faculty.

The University has alerted all its stakeholders on the requirements for health and safety, social distancing, etc. and it will continue to observe these best practices while being ready to treat with any unfolding circumstances which this COVID pandemic still threatens.  The University assures its community and the public it serves, that it will continue to work closely with its internal constituents, the Faculty and Staff, for meeting the expectations of our students and parents to deliver tertiary education as Belize’s flagship national institution.



View/download the press release here

UB Graduates 600 Students this Semester from all Parts of Belize


July 30, 2020

For Immediate Release

UB Graduates 600 Students this Semester from all Parts of Belize 

The University of Belize is very pleased to announce that 600 students from our Semester II Cohort have been approved for graduation by the Board of Trustees of UB at their meeting on 29th July, 2020.

The Board expressed its pleasure, that despite the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic and the near physical lock down of the University, that the University responded though online teaching and learning modality to ensure that this large number of students met their requirements as hoped for.  The Board congratulated the students, faculty, staff and administrators of UB for their support of these students through their creative work in difficult times.  Also noteworthy is that for the very first time, the University has produced more graduates at the Bachelors level (281) compared to graduates at the Associates level (241).  This is a major directional change as the University advances on its Transformation Plan.  Our graduates have come from all parts of Belize; 341 from our Belmopan Campus, 167 from our Belize City Campus, 53 from our Punta Gorda Campus, 26 from our Central Farm Campus and 12 from our outreach location in Corozal Town.  Again, like previously years, the vast majority of graduates are females and 18% of our graduates completed their requirements with honors.  Our highest overall achievers were:

HUNG, ANDRES                              Associates in Biology and Chemistry

WU, CHEN-YI                                   Bachelors in Pharmacy

CHOC, ALMIRA DELICIA              Bachelors in Medical Laboratory Science

The University is actively planning for its graduation ceremonies in Punta Gorda and in Belize City scheduled for the month of October 2020 and our graduates and their parents would be informed as soon as our arrangements have been confirmed in this challenging time of maintaining hygiene etiquette.  The Board of Trustees, the Management, Faculty and Staff of the University extend its sincere congratulations to our successful graduating students.



View/Download the Press Release HERE

2020-1 Payment Deadlines

All students are encouraged to pay their tuition and fees in full to the University  as soon as possible. However the following quarterly payments as a minimum will be applied for the 2020-1 August Semester

2019-3 Summer Courses for NEW & Returning Students

Pre-University Courses

In an effort to give students access to the University of Belize beginning August 1, 2020, we will once more be offering our Pre-University courses online starting, June 29, 2020. Students who are desirous of registering for these courses, please go to https://bit.ly/2020-1PreUCoursesForm

Pre-University Course listing:

Course Code Course Name
BIOL0016 Developmental Biology
CHEM0016 Development Chemistry
CMPS0014 Microsoft Office Specialist
GSTU0014 Study Skills
ENGL0090 Pre-College English I
ENGL0095 Pre-College English II
MATH0014 Development Math

Deadline to Sign up is June 19, 2020

General University Courses

To support a number of students to meet the requirements for graduation at the end of academic year, UB will also be offering a number of online General University coursesAll students who wish to register for these courses so as to facilitate their progression or graduation, please go to https://bit.ly/UBStudentPortal

General University Course Listing:

Course Code Course Title
CMPS1014 Introduction to Computer
PHIL1014 Ethics
PSYC1014 Introduction to Psychology
SOCL1014 Introduction to Sociology
MGMT1014 Foundations of Management
ENGL1035 Composing Process
HIST1014 Introduction to Belizean History
SPAN1025 Level 2 Spanish
SPAN2015 Intermediate Spanish
RSCH2014 Research Methods

Registration for the General University Courses Starts on June 8, 2020 and Ends on June 19, 2020.