
Faculty of Health Sciences

Dr. Lisa Johnson

Dean of the Faculty of Health Science

Welcome Message from the Dean

The Faculty of Health Sciences carries the responsibility of educating Belize’s healthcare professionals, Nurses, Pharmacists, Medical Laboratory Technologists and Social Workers, and very soon, we will be educating future Medical Practitioners. This responsibility is not taken lightly by the members of our team, nor should it be taken lightly by prospective students. We swear an oath to protect and safeguard our patients and the integrity of our professions, and therefore our singular responsibility is to the patient and those entrusted to our care. As such, the making of a healthcare professional is not an easy road. It requires that the student who chooses to undertake any one of our programs enters training with the requisite integrity, character, proven academic excellence and a determination to serve the people whose very lives they will profoundly affect with every decision they make. Students must understand and subscribe to the creed that each day of our professional lives, we place the best interests and needs of another human being above our own. Our role here at the Faculty of Health Sciences is to ensure that the students who graduate from our programs are safe practitioners of these individual professions, and that they understand and subscribe to professional responsibility and accountability, and lifelong learning. There are standards that must be met, and our team is committed to guiding you along the path to meeting them.

Thank you for taking the time to read and hopefully understand this message. The Faculty of Health Sciences welcomes you to the University of Belize.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Lisa Johnson
Faculty of Health Sciences 


The Faculty of Nursing, Allied Health and Social Work is committed to the development of competent and caring practitioners respectful of human rights and dignity, embracing a multi-disciplinary educational system that emphasizes leadership, professional standards, knowledge creation, dissemination and excellence.


The Faculty of Nursing, Health Sciences and Social Work will educate practitioners in all areas of specialty at the undergraduate, graduate and continuing education levels to meet the health care and social needs of the nation; incorporating socio-cultural factors, scientific and technologic advances, developmental strategies, knowledge creation and dissemination; producing culturally sensitive citizens committed to national development and social change.

Program Offerings

  • FT=Fulltime, PT=Part-time, BC=By Cohort, OL=Online, CGPA=Cumulative GPA/ Overall GPA
  • Bachelor programs with ** = Students may enter these programs directly from High School
  • CXCs are ONLY required for the Bachelors in Nursing program 

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Bachelor in Nursing **
(For aspiring Registered Nurses)
BNURBmpFive (5) CXCs grades 1-2 (incl. English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry & 1 other)

Duration: 4 years

-Students applying to this program must be at least 17 years old at the beginning of the academic year of entry.
Certificate in Practical Nursing **
(For aspiring Nurse Assistants)
CPRNBmpGPA of 2.5 and above in Mathematics, English, Biology and CGPA.

Duration: 18 months

-This program is different from the Bachelor in Nursing and its courses are not transferable to the Bachelor in Nursing program.

-Students applying to this program must be at least 17 years old at the beginning of the academic year of entry.

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science **BMLSBmpGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and CGPA or an Associate in Medical Lab Technology.

Duration: 4 years

-CXCs are not required but are an advantage.
Bachelor of Pharmacy **BPHABmpGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology and CGPA.

Duration: 5 years

-CXCs are not required but are an advantage.

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Bachelor in Social Work **BSOWBZGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics and CGPA. Persons with an Associate in Social Work can also apply.

Duration: 4 years