
Marketing and Communications Department

Ms. Carisa Carrillo

Marketing and Communications Office

The Marketing and Communications Department supports the outreach and recruitment initiatives of the University. The University has been focused upon establishing an image of academic excellence, and building its capacity for research, that will both contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in Belize.

The UB’s mandate as the national university will require a transformation of its role in Belize. The University will have to position itself as an agent of social change and empowerment by improving the quality of and access to tertiary education in Belize.

The Marketing and Communications Department has pursued a strategy of maintain a constant flow of information about the activities of students, faculty, and staff by way of the UB Bulletin, press releases and media interviews to the wider community resulting in increased awareness and visibility of the national tertiary institution among the internal and external public.

The Marketing and Communications Department has been actively engaged in coordinating all aspects of the media to attend and provide positive publicity of the University’s events, including effective coordination of media interviews with University personnel for radio, television and print news broadcasts. The office has fostered and enhanced the visibility of the University World Wide Web presence among internal and external public by making timely and relevant information accessible and available across national, regional and global landscapes.

The University of Belize Facebook page was also established as a communication vehicle for instant communication and feedback from students, faculty and staff, stakeholders, decision makers, and the public. In this regard, the channels of communication has resulted in a more effective flow of dissemination of UB Bulletins and other print publications to the Board of Trustees, Government officials, senior government officials, faculty, staff, students, Diplomatic Corps, regional and international agencies, the media and the wider community.