
Belize Policy Research Institute at UB

The Belize Policy Research Institute at UB

Bridging Knowledge to Power

The Belize Policy Research Institute at the University of Belize (BELPRI-UB) is Belize’s newest institute for public policy research with the vision to become a widely respected and essential policy actor whose evidence-based work influences public policies and behaviours toward a more prosperous, just, equitable and peaceful Belizean society. The establishment of BELPRI-UB is rooted in UB’s own determination to advance its institutional mission “to become a centre of excellence in research that contributes to Belize’s development.”

Despite policymaking advances in several areas since independence, not only do policy challenges for sustainable human development remain significant, but new challenges have arisen. Addressing these require new and improved public policies that are formulated and decided based on rigorous research, sound analysis, meaningful consultations, multi-party consensus and effective implementation in a context of long-term development planning. 

BELPRI-UB was established in September 2024 and its implementation will be rolled out in three phases: Launch (2024), Acceleration (2025) and Full Throttle (2026 to 2027). The official launch of BELPRI-UB will be before the end of 2024. BELPRI-UB is governed by an 8-member Advisory Board and managed by an Executive Director supported by expert staff. Dr. Dylan Vernon is the first Executive Director of BELPRI-UB.


Objective analysis to transform Belizean society.

BELPRI-UB is an independent multi-disciplinary public policy institute that produces high quality and accessible research and knowledge through innovation and people-centered approaches that improve policy making and its impact on Belize’s sustainable development.


More evidenced-based policy decisions in Belize.

BELPRI-UB is a widely respected and essential policy actor whose evidence-based work influences public policies and behaviours toward a more prosperous, just, equitable and peaceful Belizean society.

Strategic Pillars of BELPRI-UB

The strategic approach of BELPRI-UB is based on the premise that sustainable development challenges are thematically inter-connected and that if a policy does not serve people, sustain the environment, generate economic growth and promote good governance it cannot be good policy. As such, BELPRI-UB will have synergies with all of UB’s four faculties, its institutes and its Research Office – as well as with a wide variety of state and non-state policy actors.

BELPRI-UB will execute its mission around four inter-related Strategic Pillars each with its own strategic objectives and activities:

  1. Innovative Research: Conducting rigorous research and analysis on priority policy issues using inclusive and innovative methods.
  2. Engagement & Influence: Producing, sharing and advocating policy outputs and recommendations that are easily accessible to diverse stakeholders and that integrate capacity building on policymaking.
  3. Building Networks: Establishing and managing mutually beneficial partnerships with UB institutions and with diverse national and international policy actors to advance effective policy responses.
  4. Sustainability: Sustainable governance and implementation systems based on sound internal policies, expert knowledge, effectiveness, strategic fundraising and accountability.

Signature BELPRI-UB activities will include a national policy tracker on the institute’s website and an annual seminar for analysing the national budget.

Core Values of BELPRI-UB

BELPRI-UB will pursue its Mission and carry out all its work based on the following core values:

  1. Independence: Objectivity and impartiality in our research and analysis.
  2. Rigour: Policy outputs and recommendations based on sound and inclusive research methodologies, rigorous analysis and peer reviews.
  3. Inclusivity: Ensuring that the diversity of Belize is reflected in our work and that no individual, group or political party is favoured or discriminated.
  4. Cutting-edge: Sharp and innovative in the selection of policy issues, development of policy solutions and their presentation.
  5. Transparency: Open, accountable and accessible approaches that encourage the participation of all policy stakeholders and the public.
  6. Measurable: Ensuring that our progress and impact are tracked and verified.
  7. Collaborative: Strategic relationships with UB faculty and students, as well as with local, national and international policy stakeholders.

A dedicated website for BELPRI-UB is in development and will be linked to this page.

Contact Information

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +501 607 1098
UB Belize City Campus