
Faculty of Science & Technology

Dr. Apolonio Aguilar

Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology

Welcome Message from the Dean

On behalf of the students, faculty and staff, I take great pleasure in welcoming you to the Faculty of Science and Technology!

This Faculty is one of the largest within the University offering a diverse array of programs at both the Bachelors and Associates level. We are guided by our mission to provide relevant and accessible programs through quality instruction, research, and service. Our team of committed and dedicated faculty members are some of the most qualified in their field and are here to provide you with the knowledge, skills and support you need to succeed. Many students who have graduated from our programs are successfully employed within the society and others have ventured on to pursue graduate degrees abroad.

Our Faculty is comprised of four departments across three campuses. The Agriculture Department is housed at the Central Farm campus and offers an associate degree in agriculture. The Engineering Department is located in Belize City and offers associate degree programs in Architecture, Building and Civil, and Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The Math, Physics and Information Technology Department housed on the Belmopan Campus, offers associate degrees in Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics; and bachelor degrees in Information technology and Mathematics. The Science Department offers associate degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Marine Science and Natural Resources Management along with bachelor degrees in Biology and Natural Resources Management. These full time programs are offered on the Belmopan Campus. ANRM is also offered in the PG campus. Student within our Faculty are also able to do double and triple majors with selective associate degree programs.

Our programs are oriented to address scientific, technological and environmental needs of the country. We achieve this by working in collaboration with our stakeholders and creating research and internship opportunities for our students. Faculty members within FST are involved in an array of research activities such as water quality monitoring, dung beetle research, plant propagation, among others.

As a Faculty, we also have strong links with international universities such as the University of Notre Dame in the US, ECOSUR and ITACH in Mexico, Thompsons River University in Canada, to name a few. Our works with these institutions open doors for our students to participate in student exchange programs and research.

We thank you for visiting our site and hope you choose us to help develop you into a confident, critical thinker, lifelong learner. 


The Faculty of Science and Technology provides relevant and accessible accredited programmes through quality instruction, research, and service. The Faculty is oriented to address scientific, technological and environmental needs that will contribute towards national development by producing critical thinking, confident, entrepreneurial lifelong learners.


The Faculty of Science and Technology will be student centered, and will advocate a culture of excellence in natural and applied sciences. It will be an agent of change through cooperation with stakeholders and by promoting socio-economic and environmental responsibility.

Program Offerings

  • FT=Fulltime, PT=Part-time, BC=By Cohort, OL=Online, CGPA=Cumulative GPA/ Overall GPA
  • Bachelor programs with ** = Students may enter these programs directly from High School
  • CXCs are ONLY required for the Bachelors in Nursing program 

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Associate in Applied Climate Smart AgricultureACSACentral FarmGPA of 2.0 and above in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and CGPA. Background in Agriculture is an advantage
Bachelor in Applied AgricultureBAGRCentral FarmAssociate in Applied Climate Smart Agriculture or related field.

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Associate in ArchitectureAARCBmpGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics, Physics and CGPA. Background in Technical Drawing or a related field is an advantage
Associate in Civil Engineering TechnologyACETBmpGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics, Physics and CGPA. Background in Technical Drawing or a related field is an advantage
Associate in Mechanical & Electrical EngineeringAMEEBmpGPA of 2.5 and above in Mathematics, English, Physics and CGPA. Background in Chemistry is an advantage

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Certificate in Geographic Information SystemCGISBmpAssociate Degree required.
Associate in Information TechnologyAINTBmpMinimum GPA of 3.0 in Mathematics, 2.0 in English, 2.5 in Information Technology and 2.5 CGPA
Associate in MathematicsAMATBmpMinimum GPA of 2.0 in English, 2.5 in Mathematics and 2.5 CGPA.
Associate in Mathematics & PhysicsAM&PBmpMinimum GPA of 2.0 in English, 2.5 in Mathematics, 2.5 in Physics and 2.5 CGPA
Bachelor in MathematicsBMATBmpAssociate in Mathematics or related field
Bachelor in Information TechnologyBINTBmpAssociate in Information Technology or related field
Bachelor in Statistics **BSTABmpGPA of 2.5 and above in English, Mathematics and CGPA.

Program NameProgram CodeCampus or LocationAdditional Requirements
Associate in BiologyABIOBmpMinimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology ,2.5 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.0 CGPA
Associate in Biology & ChemistryABCBBmpMinimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology, 2.5 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.0 CGPA
Associate in Pre-Medical ScienceAPMDBmpGPA of 3.0 and above in Biology, Chemistry, English, Mathematics and CGPA
Associate in ChemistryACHEBmpMinimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology, 2.5 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.5 CGPA
Associate in Chemistry & MathematicsACMBBmpMinimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology, 2.5 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.0 CGPA
Associate in Natural Resource ManagementANRMBmpMinimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology, 2.5 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.0 CGPA
Bachelor in BiologyBBIOBmpAssociate in Biology or a related field
Bachelor in ChemistryBCHMBmpAssociate in Chemistry or a related field
Bachelor in Marine Biology**BMABBmpMinimum GPA of 3.0 in Biology, 3.0 in Chemistry, 2.0 in English, 2.0 in Mathematics and 2.0 CGPA. Duration: 4 years
Bachelor in Natural Resource ManagementBNRMBmpAssociate in Natural Resource Management or related field